Drainage Systems - Matthews Wall Anchor & Waterproofing Services

Drainage Systems

Drainage Systems – Basement Drainage in Pennsylvania and Ohio

Inadequate wabowing wallter drainage systems cost homeowners thousands of dollars every year on foundation repairs. Water is the culprit when it comes to foundation failure. Foundation failure can lead to wall cracks, floor cracks, bowing/leaning walls, misaligned doors/windows, and buckling floors. At Matthews Wall Anchor & Waterproofing Services, we can install an adequate water drainage system to prevent water damage in your home.

Having a dry foundation is an important factor for many reasons:

  • Keeps your carpet and home furnishings dry, so you won’t have to replace them
  • It stops the formation of wall cracks. Over time, moisture will widen cracks and welcome unwanted visitors such as rodents and insects
  • It controls the moisture levels in your home. Moisture promotes mold and mildew growth which can be a serious health hazard
  • Prevents settlement
  • Required by building codes
  • Prevents metal appliances from rusting
  • Keeps your drywall and framing dry
  • It prevents water stains on the basement floors and walls

What Causes Poor Water Drainage?

Keeping water from your foundation is essential for avoiding foundation failure. Check your home for the following:

rain gutters leakingInadequate Gutters and Downspouts – Gutters should be regularly maintained by removing leaves and debris. Apply downspouts that are the right size.
Landscaping – Trees and shrubs should be planted at least 12 inches away from the foundation to prevent foundation settlement.
Drain Pipe – Drain pipes should be installed with a slight slope to direct water away from the foundation.
Wall Cracks – Repair all wall cracks immediately to prevent further damage.
Inadequate Sump Pump – Sump pumps that need to be replaced or installed will eliminate excess water by discharging it outside the house.
Surface Drainage – Control rainwater by adding a ground surface slope to direct water away from the home.
Foundation Drainage Boards – Install drainage boards on the outside of concrete walls to allow the water to flow into the perimeter drain tile.
Plumbing Leaks – Repair all leaky pipes that are broken or frozen.
Subsurface Drainage – They are made from rigid drain tile that is attached to a heavy-duty sump pump.

Before installing an effective waterproofing solution, we will assess your water drainage issues to prevent foundation failure. Keeping water away from your foundation is the key to maintaining a stable, dry and safe home.

Basement Drainage Solutions in Pennsylvania and Ohio

In Pennsylvania and Ohio, we offer quality waterproofing products to eliminate wet basements. The products Matthews Wall Anchor & Waterproofing uses are made by Earth Contact Products (ECP), the leading manufacturer in today’s industry. Our waterproofing solutions include exterior waterproofing, interior waterproofing, sump basins, sump pits, sump pumps, and battery backup sump pumps.

Exterior DrainageExterior Waterproofing – To stop water from entering your basement we can install a waterproofing membrane, drainage board, drain pipe, sump basin, and sump pump.
Interior Waterproofing – A perforated drain pipe is installed inside the perimeter of the footing underneath the concrete slab. The area below the lower level is drained and a drainage pipe is attached to a sump pump.
Sump Basins – This system is located inside the sump pit and holds the actual sump pump. When water enters the basement, it collects into the sump basin and pumps outside of the home.
Sump Pits – This system has a unique bell shape that collects excess water.
Sump Pumps – They contain a redundant dual float switch, that is energy efficient, to protect the basement from flooding.
Backup Battery Sump Pumps – If the power goes out, the sump pump continues to run.

To manage humidity and moisture in your basement, we offer quality Santa Fe Humidifiers. This system is designed to improve the air quality in your home and prevent mold growth.

Why Choose Us in Pennsylvania and Ohio?

There are many reasons why our customers choose Matthews Wall Anchor & Waterproofing Services in the Pennsylvania and Ohio area:

  • We provide quality, friendly, and professional service
  • We provide a written and transferable warranty for all of our customers
  • Our installations are fast and efficient. We do it right the first time

At Matthews Wall Anchor & Waterproofing Services, we provide quality service and products for foundation repair and basement drainage.


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